Dawn Ellery

HR Director

As the Director of HR Operations at UBC, I manage a wide range of HR functions that are essential to the success and growth of the organization. I have over 20 years of experience in the HR field, and I hold the CEBS credential from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.

My core competency and passion is employee well-being. I believe that creating a culture that supports the physical and mental well-being of employees is the key to retaining and engaging talent, as well as enhancing performance and productivity. I have implemented various well-being initiatives at UBC, such as Headspace, Virgin Pulse, and wellness workshops, that have resulted in positive outcomes and feedback from the staff. I am also an international speaker, award-winning entrepreneur, and well-being coach, who shares my knowledge and expertise with other organizations and leaders who want to transform their workplace cultures and improve employee well-being.

All Sessions by Dawn Ellery

Printer Friendly See 2024 Full Agenda

Day 1: Jun 20, 2023

Day 2: Jun 21, 2023